Questions about Finances

How to create a budget proposal for the event?

Here you will find a budget proposal template simply download it and put it in your google drive and fill in all the expected expenses and incomes, and how many participants are you expecting and it will calculate the proposed single ticket price of your event

Alternatively, you can find the template in the template gallery of google sheets if you use a Caerus email.

Submit filled in budget proposal in the event request form

After that you just wait for feedback or approval from the current Caerus Treasurer or your CAO


Remember about the evaluation after the event


Add contingency as one of your expenses. It should be between 10 and 15% of the amount of money you expect to spend for unforeseen costs.

Do you know more about organising an event? Click here

How to evaluate the budget of an event?

Open your approved budget, complete it with all the realized costs and incomes and attach in your evaluation form.

If you are not sure how much money you made during the event, you are always welcome to contact the treasurer at

  1. Organizing an event during which I want to seal things.

    1. Alcohol during the event

If you want to have alcohol available during your event, first familiarise yourself with our alcohol policy.

How can I use the card reader during the events?

When you fill in the event request form, tick the card reader question, and a day before the event contact the Treasurer at to arrange it.

If you haven’t ticked the correct box while filling in the event request form, just contact the Treasurer at as soon as you can, and they will help you.


For using the card reader, you will need a charged phone with the app during the event.

How to use cash during the event?

When you fill in the event request form, tick the correct box asking about the cash, and a day before the event, contact the Treasurer at to arrange it

If you haven’t ticked the correct box while filling in the event request form, just contact the Treasurer at as soon as you can, and they will help you.

I want to use the long term investment?

Long-term investment means that the committee can only buy products that will be beneficial for the committee for a period longer than one year. Each committee has the right to use a maximum of 100 euros for their long-term investments. If a committee wants to appeal to a certain amount of money, there are several steps that need to be taken.

  1. If a committee needs less than 100 euros for long-term investment, the committee has to specify their investment, and receive approval by the treasurer of the Board. Once the investment has been approved, the committee has a green light to buy their product(s).

  2. If a committee needs more than 100 euros for long-term investment, there are several steps that need to be taken.

    1. First, the committee needs to approach other committees and see whether they would be willing to support the product(s) with a part of their long-term investments. These kinds of situations could occur if the need for a long-term investment budget for one committee is much more pressing/ of higher importance than the need for a long-term investment of other committees. If a committee approves to dedicate part of their long-term investment to another committee, this has to be laid down in a contract signed by both committees.

Always involve board

  1. Second, if it is not possible for a committee to receive money from another committee, there is the possibility to combine a long-term investment with a committee's revenue. This means that the committee can use the money they have saved over the year and use that money, in combination with the long-term investment, to buy the needed product(s).

Always involve board

  1. Third, if it is impossible for a committee to generate enough money throughout the year to buy the long-term investment, but the committee still deems it necessary, it can send it a proposal to the board. In this proposal, the committee has to prove that the long-term investment is (1) beneficial to the whole association and (2) crucial for the existence of the committee. If these two factors can be proven, the board could approve the proposal and grant a higher long-term investment to the specific committee. This, however, will be deducted from the long-term investment of that specific committee for the upcoming year(s).