Do you enjoy expressing your creativity? Do you enjoy discussing philosophical, artistic, and generally engaging ideas and topics?
We, from SLASH, provide a space of freedom in which to work on your projects, collaborate with other talented UCG students, and to practise your creative and critical skills.
We host events like a book club, discussion sessions, writing workshops, and also have our own blog (check it out!).
Regarding the blog:
You don’t need to be a SLASH member to write SLASH articles. You can send us your articles through our anonymous submission systems. You can also send us your questions and we will answer them in our ASK SLASH.
You can write anonymously and send it us via our anonymous Google form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TysnwLCaEMh2rYK_M5hBiI-A_CAgXvTHzpXiXTBSsi4/viewform?edit_requested=true).
You can also send us any questions you may have and we will do our best to get you an answer through our ASK SLASH (https://docs.google.com/forms/u/2/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyCRBG-v296lO-8r43aVtdMseI6oa104adrBtpvzsWf8ObPw/viewform) series.

Committee Members:
Josh Wintergerst and Twan Tromp (Chair)
Leon O'Brien (Secretary)
David Bebensee (Treasurer)
Ever Maggitto & Agáta Šimáčková (Public Relations Officer)
Nikta Yazdani
Contact: slash@caerus-ucg.com