UCG Green Office
Meet the UCG Green Office
Just like every faculty, UCG also has its own Green Office Embassy. The goal of these embassies is to create a more sustainable faculty. This year the UCG Green Office is taking a fresh start with more motivation and ideas than ever before. Some of their goals this year are to raise funds for an environmental NGO, investigate the sustainability of the city Groningen, and collaborate with Caerus to make our study association greener!
If you have any questions about the UCG Green Office, please contact greenambassador.ucg@rug.nl
Current members of the UCG Green Office:
Chair: Strohmeier Presicek
Secretary: Marly Taheij
Treasurer: Natalia SzymaĆska
Public Relations Officer: Tasha Petrovic
Event & Activity Coordinator: Livia Massa
Other active members:
Sarah Cochu
Hannah Fritsch