We are the UCSRN TEAM of UCG, a group of 10 enthusiastic UCG students that got really excited about UCSRN.
Even though we just created this team this academic year, we really want to make UCSRN more known and visible within the UCG student body as well as get UCG more engaged in the offered activities. In the last few years the attendance from our students was very little compared to well established other UCs, mainly because only few people knew what UCSRN is and what benefits this community brings.
We are truly making an effort to change this!
Alexa Kieker & Jette Hichert (Public Relations Officer)
Merel Wiesenekiker & Alexander Frieling (Chair)
Mrinalika Basu (Secretary)
Neel Shah (Treasurer)
Ema Kolarova (Human Resource Officer)
Chun Lei Koenders + Alessia Jascau (Committee Communication Officer)
Sophie Donahue
Contact: ucsrnsocial@caerus-ucg.com