
Get off your phone you lazy piece of sh*t

Get off your phone you lazy piece of sh*t

The other day someone recommended a Netflix Documentary to me, called the Social Dilemma, and as a lazy third year that loves...

The End of Suffering - Part 2

The End of Suffering - Part 2

The End of Suffering The first signs of human activities were subtle, she saw paths from barefoot feet that snaked through bushes. Here...

The End of Suffering - Part 1

The End of Suffering - Part 1

This is a short story I wrote for the 2nd year course Dystopias. It will be posted in two parts. Enjoy, Mia The End of Suffering   What...

Epic Adventures on 64 Squares

Epic Adventures on 64 Squares

Chess is one of the games that has remained popular throughout all cultures for hundreds of years. According to a survey, 15% Americans,...

How to (really) Cure your Hangover

How to (really) Cure your Hangover

The first Jam session of the academic year is tomorrow, and as always, it’s a very welcome opportunity to get (how to put this...)...